Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year!

Happy New Year! This year I hope to have a new start. I need to get my life on track. I definitely need to get organized this year. I have so much clutter in my house and in my life all together. I plan for 2009 to get rid of all my clutter in my life! I refuse to let my life continue to past me by because I do not spend my time wisely nor find anything when I need it. I hope I keep my New Year's Resolution this time. Good luck to me!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Thing

After TTC for over 9 months I need to do something new to keep my mind off of TTC. Me and T have been married for over 3 years now and we have always wanted children and once we made that decision I thought it would just happen. Well it has not and I am now going insane after trying for so long and not knowing why it has not happened yet. I have heard all the usual advice such as don't worry about it, it will happen in time, it might not be God's time yet and so on. I figured I would start a blog to pass the time as this journey is taking longer than anticipated.